Love/Amore – Handmade Hair Tie

Love/Amore – Handmade Hair Tie


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How to wear Hair Ties

My Hair Ties can be worn as a hair tie, headband, necklace, and bracelet. This video will show you how to wear it as a Hair Tie. Vist to shop for unique handmade Loc Accessories, Head Wraps, Crystal and Wire Wrapped Jewelry.

Posted by Loc Accessories on Wednesday, January 1, 2020

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This Love/Amore Handmade Hair Tie can be worn as a headband, necklace, and bracelet.

Don’t miss out!  There is the only one left and I don’t have the materials to make anymore.

Aside from its astonishing ability to function as a hair accessory, versatility as jewelry sets it apart from other hair ties.

Be ready for any occasion (special events, work, gym, or running errands).  The elastic is strong and allows you to decide the fit.  Suited for Locs, dreadlocks, Sisterlocks, and Natural Hair.

Even if you don’t need to put your hair into a ponytail, this is a unique handmade piece of jewelry.

Material:  Metal, wood bead, and elastic. (3 1/2″

We do our best to accurately represent the colors of our accessories in our photos, but please keep in mind that the actual color may vary slightly due to variations in monitor display.


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