Natural Clear Quartz Crystal and Black Agate Stone Handmade Hair Tie

Natural Clear Quartz Crystal and Black Agate Stone Handmade Hair Tie


4 in stock

How to wear Hair Ties

My Hair Ties can be worn as a hair tie, headband, necklace, and bracelet. This video will show you how to wear it as a Hair Tie. Vist to shop for unique handmade Loc Accessories, Head Wraps, Crystal and Wire Wrapped Jewelry.

Posted by Loc Accessories on Wednesday, January 1, 2020

4 in stock

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This Clear Quartz Crystal and Black Agate Stone Handmade Hair Tie can be worn as a headband, necklace and bracelet.

Our “Clear Quartz and Black Agate” handmade hair tie is a beautiful and unique accessory that is inspired by the stunning combination of the clear and black gemstones known as clear quartz and black agate. Made with high-quality materials and attention to detail, this hair tie is strong and durable, able to withstand daily wear and tear.

Not only is this hair tie perfect for securing your hair, but it can also be worn as a headband, necklace, or bracelet, adding a touch of shine and style to any outfit. The beautiful clear and black color combination and sparkling clear quartz and black agate stones make this hair tie a one-of-a-kind accessory that is sure to turn heads.

Clear quartz is believed to be a stone of clarity and focus, while black agate is believed to be a stone of protection and strength. This hair tie is not only a fashionable accessory, but also a meaningful and empowering addition to your collection. At our company, we stand behind the quality of all of our products and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will work with you to resolve any issues and make sure you are completely satisfied with your purchase. So, you can buy this hair tie with confidence, knowing that we stand behind it and guarantee its quality.

Materials: Natural Clear Quartz Crystal and Black Agate Stone, Metal, extra thick elastic – measuring 40mm

All of the accessories are handmade, so, some of the components may be different, but will not change the design or vibe of the piece.

We do our best to accurately represent the colors of our accessories in our photos, but please keep in mind that the actual color may vary slightly due to variations in monitor display.


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